Butterfly Valve Supplier

We are one of the leading Butterfly Valve supplier, manufacturer and exporter in India. Our quality and reliable product range is made as per different industrial standards. We offer various types of butterfly valves to suit different pressure usage and applications. Operation of Butterfly valve is quite similar to ball valve but it is more favoured over other valves because of their light weight which needs less support and lesser cost.

Working of Butterfly Valve

A butterfly valve is a type of valve that controls or isolates fluid flow. It belongs to the quarter-turn valve family of valves. When the disc is turned a quarter turn, the valve is fully open or closed. They come with a variety of operating systems, including manual, pneumatic, and electrical butterfly valves. The most frequent form of valve is the manual butterfly valve. A disc is put in the pipe's centre, and one rod is routed to the valve disc through an actuator. The disc rotates in parallel or perpendicular to the flow direction as the actuator rotates. Because it is always present in the flow, it causes a pressure drop. Our butterfly valve is simple to use and operates quickly. For complete valve opening and closing, the valve handle can be rotated up to 90 degrees. For convenience of operation, the gearbox is connected to the huge butter fly valve, however this reduces the speed.

Butterfly Valve Application

Butterfly valves have a wide range of uses in the water, wastewater, fire, and gas industries, as well as in the chemical and oil industries, fuel handling systems, and power production. Butterfly valves are mainly used to handle large flow of liquid, gas, chemicals, suspended solids and slurries. It is also used in high temperature and pressure services like fire protection and water cooling. It have less number of moving parts and its other extra features such as compact size, low weight, no fluid trap, minimum maintenance and less space requirement made it beneficial over other valves. Usually butterfly valves are available in wafer and lug type design.

Advantages of Butterfly Valve

Butterfly valves are comparable to ball valves, however they have a many benefits. They are compact and open and close swiftly when pneumatically actuated. They are available in various sizes and needs less structural strength than a ball valve of similar diameter since the disc is lightweight than a ball valve. Butterfly valves are extremely accurate, making them ideal for industrial applications. They are extremely dependable and need very little care. They are less expensive than other valve designs.

Choosing the leading Butterfly Valve Supplier

We are capable of supplying customised valve solutions to fit your various applications thanks to our decades of experience and knowledge. Our butterfly valves are well-liked by customers because of their high quality, consistent performance, and helpful services. We guarantee that our items are created from the highest quality raw materials and will endure a long time. We supply butterfly valves as per customer demand and specification at best market pricing as one of the leading butterfly valve supplier, manufacturer, and exporter in India.

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